Making of Sam.Land
As a CTO, a huge part of my role was learning and then teaching, something I’ve always enjoyed, not just for the impact but for how much I learned in the process. Lately, I’ve been pushing myself to step back into that mindset, while also revisiting my old love for video filming and editing, a muscle I haven’t nurtured in a very long time.
To kick things off, I made a video on how I built Sam.Land, my new website with an animated 3D intro and a blog. Building the site took less than a day. Remaking it while filming and editing? That took much longer. But this was my way of giving back to the developer/maker/creator community that I’ve learned so much from.
Links & Resources:
- 🧑💻 GitHub - Code, to check it out yourself!
- 🚀 Astro - Modern static site generator
- 🎨 Rodin - AI-powered 3D model generation
- 🖥️ Three.js - 3D graphics library
- ☁️ AWS Amplify - Cloud-based deployment and hosting